
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sweet Like Pink Lemonade.

I am currently very into neckerchiefs... I suppose it's a natural transition from a former bow-tie obsessed human. Since I'm not one for jewellery, this necktie/neckerchief thing creates interest without having to navigate that whole...necklace thing.

Also, pink walls. I really love them. If I could, I'd probably build a city which was only painted pink, where everyone was mandated to wear kerchiefs at least once a week. I can dream, right?

Thanks to Adam for shooting these photos.

Thrifted silk scarf | Gap tee | Vintage Levi's moto jacket
Old Navy Rockstar jeans | Gifted hat | Vagabond ankle boots

Friday, January 9, 2015

Keep Comin' Back To It Incessantly.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a good one. I managed to leave the house (after much internal convincing) and had a splendid night which ended in a smorgasbord of chicken wings :D

I don't really regard January 1st as the start of the year. For me, I typically set resolutions/evaluate my life and reflect on the past year around my birthday, which is September 8th. It doesn't hurt to assess where you are at when December 31st rolls around, though. Lately, I've been feeling like I'm due for an update, slowly making changes in various arenas of my life... Sometimes you have to recalibrate, you know? Bigger and better in 2015.

These photos are technically from 2014, but I couldn't help but share them! Grace was behind the lens for these ones. One of the things I admire the most about Grace is her innate ability to create an image. These were taken in a matter of minutes, but the visual impact resonates. I'm lucky to have such a inspiring pal!

As for what I am wearing... this silk "duster" coat was picked up in the "bath" section of a local thrift store. $5 later and I've been rockin' this housecoat ever since. Sidenote: the lip motif on the Monki socks gives me all kinds of Dali feelings.

Thrifted duster | Talula dagger sweater | Community Thrift shirt
Old Navy "Rockstar" jeans | Monki socks | Zara oxfords
Wilfred hat | Clearly Contacts glasses