
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away.

I can't seem to stop wearing collared blouses/thrifting them. They are my uniform of sorts now, and this is one of my current favourites. It was only a dollar at my favourite thrift store back in Abbotsford, and has the cutest bib detailing, complete with fabric covered buttons!

Vancouver is notoriously damp most of the year, so I was overjoyed to thrift a decent sized (and adorable print) umbrella. Sturdy and fun, this one is definitely a keeper!

American Readers: Don't forget to enter the Stop Staring! giveaway here!

Thrifted umbrella, blouse, jacket, jumper dress | F21 tights, socks | Granny's Bootery vintage leather boots


  1. i live in abbotsford and i was just wondering what your favourite thrift store is?

  2. I love collared blouses! It always surprises me why someone would donate all of those gorgeous tops, then I stop myself. More for me! :)

  3.  I'm afraid that is a secret...but a couple of that I frequent often are Value Village and MCC.

  4. oh my this is the craziest outfit i've seen on a fashion blog.

  5. Yea, very beauty!


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