
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Number One.

The next couple of posts are remix outfits from the past few weeks.
Life has gone completely mental over here!
I apologize in advance if post are few and far between the next couple of weeks...
(I`m moving to Vancouver!!!!)

Bluenotes military jacket; Yeah Yeah Yeahs concert tee; H&M dress (as skirt); Gap flower pins attached to H&M headband; First Kiss floral wedges.


  1. Love your dress and shoes! Dress is really cute :oD

  2. im so jealous! i would love to live in van city!

  3. I totally missed the fact that you were moving to Van! Oh, you're going to love it. Vancouver proper is just so freaking awesome. Takes a little getting used to sometimes in comparison with the suburbs, but it is so vibrant and there is always *something* going on.



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