
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Two Sides of A Coin.

Very different inspirations today, vintage vs. modern.
The vintage photo has just the right amount of sensuality.
The shoes! The lipstick! Her hair! Sigh. Wish I was alive then.
As for the platforms, I feel like I would live in these JC's all summer.
I'm kind of on a gratuitous platform kick...makes walking more perilous (in a good way).


  1. I love her hairstyle, so elegant and pretty.

  2. the vintage pic is great. so sensual with her skirt so high up her leg. less really is more.

  3. I want to be a 1920's waif with dark eyes and plum lips everyday of my life. That woman's hair and dress are so perfect. But, those platforms are pretty hot, too. Also, that dress probably was $10. I have the memory of a goldfish.

  4. wow love the vintage photo! it's great! and yes i wished that i lived back in that time glamorous!

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