Remember that whole "I heart brights, I want to get back to that" thing? Yeah...this is a little attempt. I felt super Spring-y this morning so I made sure to grab some color when I picked what to wear. Turns out, the brights made my day substantially better, even though it involved a 3 hour Psych class with a "sucktorial" (as she would say, the prof that is) professor. I sat in class passing notes while drawing dresses, and day dreaming about a day not to long from now (about three weeks) when it will be "summer" and I can spend all my spare time sewing and thrifting, not doing papers and studying. Sigh. Couldn't come soon enough.
An aside: The sun decided to stay for more than 2 minutes AFTER I took these photos. *tear* But I borrowed Rachel Zoe's and Nina Garcia's books from the library today, along with Breakfast at Tiffany's and Cat Power's Jukebox! I heart you, FVRL! P.S. The funny face in the last picture is due to me panicking at the seeping marsh water from my backyard. Fuuuuuun.
EDIT: Do you like the new layout? I think some spring cleaning was long overdue....

Everything is thrifted, except the $ store tights.