
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thanks, Yvan.

For reminding me to put more scarves on my head...
(heaven knows I own far too many, which sit gathering dust)

P.S. POSTS COMING TOMORROW. Reading Break is my saviour.


  1. Oh these girls have a wonderful fashion sense... I especially love the last girl with the plaid scarf. I also wanted to thank you for your comments about my inspiration scrapbook. You are such a sweetheart <3. Before I started making the collages, I actually did the same thing that you do and put all my ripped out pages in plastic protectors and inside a giant binder.

    (and I think I might just have to reread that Nylon issue with Michelle Williams now!)

    I hope you are well dear <3

  2. gah - headscarves always make me look like a cleaning lady. not fair!

    Mathilde x


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