Luella is always one of my favorite designers...since she always comes up with something girly, frilly and fun. This season was a departure from the usual over-the-top frothiness BUT...the "cute utilitarianism" of her Fall/Winter 2009 collection was very lovely indeed. The clothes still maintained an element of school-girl chic, while still portraying a tough, cool girl je ne sais quoi. The HAIR was beyond cool, I need to get some bright streaks or an out of control perm, stat. Perhaps the new punky cool isn't lost on those of us who tend to be a touch prissy. p.s. how sweet are those gold boots?
I'm v. sorry for the MAJOR lack of updates... I'm super SUPER busy, have been working hard on that new project and also..... I have an Art History midterm on wednesday, and had a Fashion Drawing midterm today. I'll probably update on Wednesday or Thursday, but here's some more sneak peeks! (I think you might be able to tell what it is!)
P.S. Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate every single one!
So I've been biding my time, hopelessly using Polyvore. Don't diss, this is my first one. I know it's sad & pathetic, horribly made BUT it showcases pieces from my new favorite online store: Opening Ceremony! They finally went WORLDWIDE! hearts.
So despite my absence from blogging...I am still alive! My life has been hectic and stressful of late, but now I'm on reading break. It's bliss. I've been working on some things... and I have a super exciting project coming up! It's not huge, but I'm pretty darn stoked (and I have a feeling you guys will be too).
Thrifted shirt, re-buttoned skirt, shoes. Gap cardigan. Dollar Store sheer tights. l.o. bow headband.
p.s. If you click my can make them bigger!
For reminding me to put more scarves on my head... (heaven knows I own far too many, which sit gathering dust) P.S. POSTS COMING TOMORROW. Reading Break is my saviour.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S! Yes, it's a little silly, but fun regardless. Hope that everyone's is lovely and with someone they love. I love all of you readers (if there's anyone out there =P)
Here are some girly, 80's inspired looks from Topshop Unique SS09 that would be perfectly suited for today!
I got tagged with the Honesty award by The Minx a couple weeks ago (SORRY)...and now I'm finally getting around to it. 10 Random facts about me (sorry if I'm the most boring person...)
1-I was born in Oslo, Norway. 2-Norwegian was my first language. 3-I moved to Canada when I was 2 1/2. 4-I was a choir nerd in high school. 5-My best friend and I used to show up to school in almost identical outfits, without planning it. Even now, we own many of the same things =P 6-I haven't taken Art since elementary school, and my Fashion Drawing class is teaching me that I may have been mistaken. I'm not a genius or anything, but I'm not bad at all! I see more art classes in my future... 7-I think this is one of the most beautiful things in the world. 8-I also think her photos are extremely beautiful. 9-I was born with a club foot (and had to wear a special shoe). My dad informed me of this when I was about 15. 10-I think I'm the only blogger who isn't head over heels in love with Tavi. Not that I don't like her, I just don't get it.
GAH I'm finally getting around to this tag from Bonnie(SORRY I TOOK SO LONG)...who also gave me an award! I give this award to anyone on my blogroll! Now...onto the tag.
A) Four places that I go to over and over:
* University * Starbucks (I work there) * My Boyfriend's House * Superstore
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
* Blogger * Weardrobe * Who What Wear * Chictopia
C) Four favorite smells:
* Vanilla/Satsuma * Britney Spears fragrances (lol, I know) * Baking bread or cookies * Snow
Four places I would rather be right now:
* Somewhere warm * New York * London * Paris
E) Four people I tag:
* Alice Point * Karla's Closet * The Stylish Wanderer * Little Miss Dress up
F) Four TV shows I watch:
* Lost * Grey's Anatomy * The Office * The City
The last of the snow is finally melting away...I couldn't be happier!
Thrifted skirt and blazer. AE Tee. Joe belt and tights. Hot Kiss platforms.